Category Archives: Interactives

Lockheed Martin: Generation Beyond

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Washington, DC, April 15, 2016 – Lockheed Martin has launched Generation Beyond, a first of its kind, national educational program to bring the science of space into thousands of homes and classrooms across America. The Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) program is designed to inspire the next generation of innovators, explorers, inventors and pioneers to pursue STEM careers.

“Our children — the elementary, middle and high school students of today — make up a generation that will change our universe forever. This is the generation that will walk on Mars, explore deep space and unlock mysteries that we can’t yet imagine,” said Marillyn Hewson, Lockheed Martin Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer. “They won’t get there alone. It is our job to prepare, inspire and equip them to build the future – and that’s exactly what Generation Beyond is designed to do.”

Hewson announced Generation Beyond at the opening ceremony of the Lockheed Martin-sponsored USA Science & Engineering Festival, the largest—and only—national STEM event.

Generation Beyond

The new STEM education program will offer several interactive tools to engage and inspire students and educators:

  • Online Curriculum: The core element is an online curriculum for middle school teachers and students, including lesson plans for teachers, a virtual field trip and activities students can bring home to share with their families. The deep space curriculum will be shared freely with thousands of middle schools across the country, reaching hundreds of thousands of American students.
  • Lockheed Martin Mars Experience Bus: In addition to the curriculum, Generation Beyond includes a real-life Mars Experience Bus that will travel the country providing student riders with an interactive experience simulating a drive along the red planet’s surface. The Lockheed Martin Mars Experience Bus is the first immersive virtual reality vehicle ever built and replicates 200 square miles of the Martian surface. The Mars Experience was built with the same software used in today’s most advanced video games.
  • Hello Mars App: Lastly, Lockheed Martin has launched a Hello Mars smartphone app, allowing students to find Mars in the sky, travel there virtually and receive real-time Mars weather reports.

Visit the for online tools and fun.

Long-Term Partnerships

Lockheed Martin has long played a leadership role in both space exploration and STEM education. Partnering with NASA, Lockheed Martin has been involved in every single U.S. Space Mission, including each journey to Mars. And over the past five years, Lockheed Martin has contributed almost $70 million to STEM programs, and maintained strong partnerships with National 4-H Council, Girls Inc., National Geographic, Project Lead the Way, National Science Teachers Association, Girls Who Code and FIRST Robotics.

“Generation Beyond is a perfect example of Lockheed Martin’s ingenuity in using cutting-edge technology and high quality curricula to encourage young people to explore STEM fields in a hands-on way that will stay with them for a lifetime,” Jennifer Sirangelo, president and CEO of National 4-H Council. “4-H and Lockheed Martin are dedicated to creating interactive, experiential programs that ignite passion for STEM topics in young people, then help guide them down a pathway for a fulfilling STEM career. What better way to engage young students than getting them excited about exploring space?”

Learn more at


SpaceVR: “VR ONE”


Founded in January 2015 by Ryan Holmes, CEO, SpaceVR is the world’s first virtual reality platform allowing users to #BeAnAstronaut and experience space firsthand from any mobile, desktop or virtual reality device. Through the use of 3D, 360-degree cameras, SpaceVR technology feeds livestream footage from the International Space Station’s (ISS) Cupola observatory module back to Earth so consumers can experience space travel in immersive 3D virtual reality.

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“Hello VRnauts,

When I had the idea for SpaceVR, I was sitting at a coworking desk. No team. No funding. Recently spent most of my money to move to San Francisco from Tampa, Florida. I wanted to do something I could spend my life on. Something that could really change the world.

During my research, I found a documentary called Overview. A beautifully done, short film interviewing astronauts about their experience in space. After enough interviews, it became clear that the experience of being in space wasn’t just an experience. It was a life changing event.

It changed them. They now understood something from direct exposure that we on Earth do not. They realized that the world we know and love, the world that we wake up and go to sleep on everyday is not significant. It’s small and delicate. Something to be fiercely protected.

We hear about issues every single day. Syrian refugees. School shootings. Short term policy decisions. Military overspending. Education underspending. We approach these issues like they have nothing to do with us. Like they only exist somewhere else.

I believe that we can bridge that gap. With as simple of an act as exposing the world to space through virtual reality, we will have the opportunity to know who we really are as a civilization. We can realize that this small world is ours and we can shape it into the beautiful paradise that we want.

Here we are today in front of you with ambitious hearts, a functioning prototype and a solid plan.

Let’s show the world that there are no limits. There are no borders. That anyone with a dream can change the world forever.

Ryan Holmes

CEO, SpaceVR”