Leonardo Da Vinci-esque sketch of ‘Brain in a Can’
Literally…the brain…
…going into the can…
…something dark and foreboding…
…more dark and foreboding…(because it’s sci-fi)…
That’s it. Kid you not: the brain in a can…
…Zero G Brain-in-a-Can..
…Brain-in-a-Can on shuttle [had to use free NASA footage but…]
…Brain-in-a-Can again…closeup…
…launched by hand from the shuttle…seriously…
…memory of brain now canned…
…second generation brain…(improved can)…
…institutionalized nuttiness…
…future people in future white labs with future white coats…like all future people…
…and their odd distracting pointless graphics…
…guilty but paroled…thanks for at least not making space ‘a problem’…
…hundreds of “Kronos Spheres” sent out yonder…
…the end.
Misleading nuttiness: interstellar contact in 100 yrs, human ‘memories’ sent back in 15…why not a pure robot? Or 100 year starship? Why would a ‘person’ want to travel alone in a can for 115 years???
Redemption: the aliens at least seem positive and inviting…(if they are still alive)…apparently they didn’t want to open the brain in a can for breakfast. Dialogue was unimaginative in the extreme…hire science literate writers please.
Artists responsible for CG (nice site, considerably better than film): http://www.dwarf-labs.com