We all know that a good person can be a bad artist.
But no one will ever be a genuine artist
unless a great human being and thus also a good one.

Marc Chagall

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.
Imagination embraces the entire world,
and everything there will be to know and understand.
Imagination points to all we might yet discover and create.

Albert Einstein

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind.

I ♥! Dr. Seuss

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Eric Machmer: Holiday Free Time

High Res: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Artist%27s_Concept_of_Curiosity_Rover_Subsidized_by_Advertising.jpg

High Res: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Advertising_Subsidized_Red_Dragon_(artist%27s_mockup).jpg

The center image of Sagan is a misguided photoshopped alteration of the original photo of him holding Voyager’s plaque. If we do not accept advertising funded space exploration two things will happen: America will owe China more money and the Bank of China will advertise on Chinese spacecraft. I welcome the later but the former in an absence of advertising subsidies is inexcusable.

A Heartfelt and "Healthy Disregard for the Impossible" Larry Page at Zeitgeist 2012

“It’s often easier to make progress when you’re really ambitious, and, the reason is, you actually don’t have any competition – no one else is willing to try those things – and you also get the best people, because, the best people want to work on the most ambitious things. […] There’s tremendous things that are possible in the world through technology, and we have relatively few people in the world working on those things. We’re not developing a lot of new scientists and engineers. It’s probably well under one percent of the population in most developed countries… “

First International Day of the Girl

Important reasons for Mars settlement stem from the cultural change millions of people living on another planet will catalyze here on Earth – simply by the fact of their thriving as a robust vibrant civilization on Mars. Settlements will need to educate every person to their fullest potential. Anticipation of such a society through depictions in film, concept art, mission plans, business proposals, fiction writing, etc., reenforces progressive cultural change now, here on Earth.