Dave Pimentel’s tutorials:
#Storyboard Tip: Flat=Funny, Depth=Dramatic; prove it to yourself w/ well-chosen examples by Mark Kennedy : )http://sevencamels.blogspot.com/2012/04/flat-funny-and-depth-dramatic.html #art #CS6 #Photoshop
#Storyboard Tip: switch between Normal (Shift+Opt+N) and Behind (Shift+Opt+Q) w/ assigned wacom keys for sketch & fill brushes
#Photoshop Tip: use ‘File > Scripts > Load Files Into Stack’ to import images & then distribute them to separate layers (gr8 for references)
#Photoshop Tip: use the TAB key to toggle pallets…but the cool thing is…hover cursor near the screen’s edge to bring them back briefly : )
#Photoshop Tip: keys 1-0 set opacity between 10-100%; click 2 keys quickly for 1-10% which is useful for sensitive tools such as burn/dodge
#Photoshop Tip for greyscale #storyboard: sketch w/ paint brush set to ‘Behind’ mode, toggle grey w/ X key to paint fill (still in Behind)
#Photoshop Tip: to select color anywhere on screen activate + drag eyedropper from PS; especially useful to match greys in boards via Bridge
#Photoshop Tip: find forgotten/rogue massive files by scanning your hard drives with the free Mac app: Disk Inventory X derlien.com
#Photoshop Tip: rather than squirrel thru menu for warp/distort/skew/flip etc; just select, Ctrl+T then right click for popup transform menu
#Photoshop Tip if you need to replace part of a wacom stylus, accessory kit can be purchased for $20 instead of $80 pen amazon.com/INTUOS3-Grip-P…
#Photoshop Tip: if you are painting within a selection and would like to hide the selection’s border of ‘marching ants’ use CTRL+H to toggle
#Photoshop Tip: use iFreeMem when working with large docs to free RAM activata.co.uk/ifreemem/ (& Activity Monitor to keep an eye on things)
#VFX #Photoshop Tip: update @wacom driver (Oct 2010) for preferences backup/portability: Applications>Wacom>Tablet Utility http://www.wacom.com/en/CustomerCare/Drivers.aspx
#Photoshop Tip: if you draw more than alter photos switch the ‘s’ shortcut key from Clone Stamp to the painterly Smudge Tool (Window>Workspace>Keyboard Shortcuts)
#Photoshop Tip: sick of sitting at a computer? develop painterly skills standing w/ large canvas 50% off @MichaelsStores
The single most important collection of #Photoshop tutorials I know @FengZhuDesign: 4pros or students, a cultural gift http://www.fzdschool.com/free_tutorials.htm
Bookmark the “Spotlights” section of this site — after watching demo of new “Debluring” #Photoshop function http://blogs.adobe.com/photoshopdotcom/2011/10/behind-all-the-buzz-deblur-sneak-peek.html RT @drawn #ListenWhileUDraw
#Photoshop Killer Tips (always seems like there’s an obscure quirky tip which saves hours of work : ) http://t.co/wOrBumT0
RT @Storyboard_Tips (Sherm Cohen): #Storyboard Instead of putting Photoshop gradients & special effects in your storyboards, use that time to come up with a better shot.
#Photoshop Tip: for quick cell-shading: draw shape add Outer Glow effect with Blend mode set to ‘Normal’ & 100% opacity #Previz #Illustration Course materials (lecture slides & photo galleries) from @Stanford course on Digital Photography: http://is.gd/ZXQJxE
#Photoshop Tip: if #drawing on cintiq & laptop go to Window>Arrange>New Window to place publish resolution doc on 2nd screen : ) #Art #PSW