Category Archives: YouTube

"A Century of Mars in the Movies," by Gerry Williams, presented during Mars Movie Night at the 13th Annual International Mars Society Conference 2010

The Mars Artists’ YouTube Channel now hosts the entire Mars Movie Night from the 13th Annual International Mars Society Conference (in 12 parts), Gerry Williams, creator of the MarsMovieGuide

EllieAndFriendsClub YouTube Channel ♫ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♪

What a pure pleasure…spent down time this week listening to hundreds of uplifting songs about inspiring women to create the Intergalactic Ellie Fan Club channel!  : )  Whoowhooo! (Not official Pixar — Ellie on film charms everyone; her Intergalactic Fan Club frankly doesn’t pull any punches. When it comes to female foeticide, burkas, genital mutilation, and all male anything — brace yourself — Ellification of the universe is a forgone conclusion.
(Bless you precious muses!! Art is Powerful. Hope this little μούσα-who-could finds you inspired and smiling! Special thanks to Emma Coats, Pete Docter, Bob Peterson, Ronnie del Carmen, and the entiré Pixar story crew for bringing this beautiful archetype to us!)

…………………………………………….Sports are for Idiots…………………………………………….

“This is a young lady not watching a football game, not watching a basketball game — she is watching exploration live from thousands of miles away and it’s just dawning on her what she’s seen — when you get a jaw drop you can inform. You can put so much information into that mind it’s in full recept mode — this I hope will be a future engineer or a future scientist in the battle for Truth.” Quoted from this fascinating YouTube video on new technologies for deep-sea exploration (17:20):
Amen! Why do so many people spend their lives watching grown men with balls play together in stadiums subsidized by taxpayers? Why do we teach our children this waste of humanity is acceptable, much less worth accolades? (Let’s not even start discussing the single worst economic decision Americans make, repeatedly, throughout their lives — their choice in automobiles: pickup trucks, sports cars, and SUVs. New too, of course. How much education, travel, and peace-of-mind has been exchanged for vehicles, debt, and enterslavement?)
Ok this blog is often over-the-top rhetorically…sports are important for exercise and development of leadership, teamwork, and cooperation  2¢

Disney/Pixar YouTube Channel Up and Running…

Pixar just started a YouTube Channel! The coolest thing about it are verrrrrrry personal, verrry intimate mind-meld interviews with John Lasseter. Amazing. Much more informative and interesting than articles or conference presentations…he really comes across as a genuine, smart, uplifting person. Check out this interview on the role of storytelling at Pixar:

Mars Artists YouTube Channel Now Broadcasting to a Happening Screen Near You…

The Mars Artists YouTube Channel is up and running with an eleven part presentation given by historically influential space artists at the last convention of the International Mars Society (University of Maryland, College Park, 2009). The coolest part of our channel thus far is its new icon, a “collage of babies” smelling an orange rose…not exactly what one would think of when reflecting upon Mars, hopefully. Enjoy!

(Oh! And after updating the Mars Society’s YouTube Channelaesthetics and after publishing 72 new videos, subscriptions jumped 4,900 percent and friends increased 6,500 percent!! –Well…we only had 4 friends and 5 subscriptions but at least now we are on our way to gaining Partnership Status with YT!! Whoowhoo!! …The astonishing thing to note, though, is that even premier channels have merely a few thousand friends and subscribers. With 10 years of superb video to be published from our archives we will soon surpass them! Innnnnndeed.)