…………………………………………….Sports are for Idiots…………………………………………….

“This is a young lady not watching a football game, not watching a basketball game — she is watching exploration live from thousands of miles away and it’s just dawning on her what she’s seen — when you get a jaw drop you can inform. You can put so much information into that mind it’s in full recept mode — this I hope will be a future engineer or a future scientist in the battle for Truth.” Quoted from this fascinating YouTube video on new technologies for deep-sea exploration (17:20): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHU8G6icwsY
Amen! Why do so many people spend their lives watching grown men with balls play together in stadiums subsidized by taxpayers? Why do we teach our children this waste of humanity is acceptable, much less worth accolades? (Let’s not even start discussing the single worst economic decision Americans make, repeatedly, throughout their lives — their choice in automobiles: pickup trucks, sports cars, and SUVs. New too, of course. How much education, travel, and peace-of-mind has been exchanged for vehicles, debt, and enterslavement?)
Ok this blog is often over-the-top rhetorically…sports are important for exercise and development of leadership, teamwork, and cooperation  2¢