Eric Machmer: Advertising Subsidized ARKYD (unofficial mockup)


High Res:

Above is a textured mockup of an ARKYD partially funded by sponsors with demonstrated interest in space exploration. The base model itself was rendered and provided by Planetary Resources (see references and files below). This concept is not officially sanctioned by Planetary Resources. Sponsors for the most part would not be visible in selfies or of course during flight – but, could profit from worldwide exposure through pre-launch publicity.

90dc266d6e2628d575e18b46fb0f7d67_large Arkyd-100 Arkyd-publically-accessable-space-telescope-3 planetary123.jpg planetary-resource-telescope-photograb o-CROWD-FUNDED-TELESCOPE-ARKYD-facebook video-249723-h264_high Arkyd_100_preview_featured ARKYD-Night ARKYD-Earth

arkydplanetary-resources-kickstarter-9 planetary-resources-kickstarterARKYD-View1 ARKYD-View2 planetaryresources-2120424-337781-120424-coslog-arkyd-130p.blocks_desktop_teaseimages-5