Bryan Versteeg: BFS/ITS


“Yesterday, Elon Musk presented his roadmap to Mars settlement and the scale of it is astounding. Mind boggling. I have been working on “outposts” for 8-12 people for over a decade because I believed that that was a reasonable size for another generation. This image hints at how comically insufficient my infrastructure would be to support hundreds of people arriving at a time. I literally have to multiply everything by hundreds. Expect entirely new cities from me in the coming months.”

Elon Musk: SpaceX Interplanetary Transporter

“SpaceX Founder, CEO, and Lead Designer Elon Musk discussed the long-term technical challenges needed to support the creation of a permanent, self-sustaining human presence on Mars. The technical presentation focused on potential architectures for sustaining humans on the Red Planet that industry, government and the scientific community can collaborate on in the years ahead.”

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Epidemic of Control Freaks: “Nobody Here Gets Any Pussy”


/r/SpaceX has finally succumbed to inevitable fratricide…it will only end when moderators let Reddit be reddit by allowing participants to moderate comments through up/down voting. [Something positive did come from this nonsense: it precipitated creation of /r/SpaceXLounge.]

via retiringonmars: To anyone interested, here’s the timeline of events (times in BST / UTC+1):

  • Aug-Sept – Several differences of opinion happen within the mod team, tensions fluctuate.
  • 16 Sept – New internal procedure trial begins. Leads to a massive increase in workload.
  • 27 Sept, 19:30-21:00 – Elon Musk hosts the talk “Making Life Multiplanetary” at IAC 2016.
  • 27 Sept, 22:00 – Trialled procedure is disabled.
  • 28 Sept, 04:30-05:00 – Tensions on the mod team reach a peak, and the worst of the argument happens.
  • 28 Sept, 04:47 – Wetmelon leaves the mod team.
  • 28 Sept, 20:00 – Echo leaves the mod discussion group.
  • [interim period] – Things break, we realise it’s impossible to have a mod that isn’t available for discussion.
  • 29 Sept 14:42 – Echologic is removed from the mod team.
  • [interim period] – equally unworkable.
  • 30 Sept 09:30 – TheBlacktom is seemingly the first to comment on what’s happened, here.
  • 30 Sept 12:30 – interoth tries to make this topic a top-level post here.
  • [interim period] – I remove interoth’s post but continue to answer questions, while frantically trying to alert the other mods, so that we can release this as a proper meta discussion.
  • 30 Sept 15:30 – The shitstorm we’re in is officially revealed to the community.

screen-shot-2016-09-30-at-4-54-46-pm screen-shot-2016-09-30-at-4-53-47-pm

Initially that comment had about 5-6 points, before discussing pussy….

Live links used in the graphic above:

LOL, badge of honor…can’t help but wonder what these people are like in person:



This shameful ridiculous waste of talent goes on and on… 

Apparently this humorless moderation will continue in 2017: