Category Archives: Jasmine Johns

Jasmine Johns: ‘Space’ – A tribute to ‘Arabia’ by Walter de la Mare Space

Vast are the reaches of space,
Where the dreamers propel towards infinity,
‘Mid the scintillating galaxies of stars,
Beyond the shadow of their world;
And so beloved is that verdure hearth
Suns in the cosmos rise
And cast their rays upon humanity
Bold pioneers forever gazing into eternity.

Space a Lulling symphony
In my heart, and in my seams
a constant reverb oscillating through my veins
Guiding my perceptions and facilitating my dreams;
This grand outré conception void of boundary
Resonating fiercely transcending my mind above the confines of this world
On the final cord clinging to the last note
My eyes descend reiterating this vestige of melody

It haunts me — the phantasm of space;
No beauty on earth I see
But ignited by the cadence recollects
Its loveliness to me:
Still eyes look coldly upon me,
Harsh voices whisper and say —
‘She’s crazed with the spell of Space,
And her soul has been stolen away.’