Author Archives: FriendlyHelper

Mother Mars! "A Living Mars: A Visualization of Mars, Very Much Alive" Thanks to Kevin Gill

“A visualization of an Earth-like Mars, be it ancient or a future of terraforming. This was
produced by rendering a flat model image using the MRO MOLA 128 pix/deg elevation dataset
in jDem846 then layering imagery from Blue Marble in GIMP. The layer was then brought back
into jDem to produce the final spherical projection and scripted to add the atmosphere and
clouds from the NASA Visible Earth catalog. Eye position is about 6,600 kilometers (4100 miles)
from the surface of the planet and looking at the southern hemisphere (~20° South) and the
180th meridian.”

Screenshot of jDem846

“The height of the clouds and atmosphere are largely arbitrary and set for the sake of
appearance. The terrain is also exaggerated by about 10 times. The orbital “eye” view is about
10,000 km (~6,200 miles) from the surface.
A two dimensional digital elevation model was first rendered in jDem846 (an open-source
learning project of mine) using the MRO MOLA 128 pix/deg elevation dataset. In that model, I
picked a sea level and scripted it such that terrain at or below that level was flat and blue.
The resulting model was then brought into GIMP were I painted in land features using a NASA
Blue Marble Next Generation image for the source textures. There is no scientific reasoning
behind how I painted it; I tried to envision how the land would appear given certain features or
the effects of likely atmospheric climate. For example, I didn’t see much green taking hold within
the area of Olympus Mons and the surrounding volcanoes, both due to the volcanic activity and
the proximity to the equator (thus a more tropical climate). For these desert-like areas I mostly
used textures taken from the Sahara in Africa and some of Australia. Likewise, as the terrain
gets higher or lower in latitude I added darker flora along with tundra and glacial ice. These
northern and southern areas textures are largely taken from around northern Russia. Tropical
and subtropical greens were based on the rainforests of South America and Africa.
Finally, that image was brought back into jDem846 as a layer to be reapplied to the same MOLA
dataset, but rendered as a spherical projection (like Google Earth). I scripted the model to apply
a three-dimensional cloud layer, add an atmosphere, and dampen specular lighting on dry land
and under clouds. There are some other scripted tweaks here and there.”

Get Real

The center image of Sagan is a misguided photoshop alteration of the original Voyager plaque
floating around the internet. If we do not accept advertising funded space exploration two
things will happen: America will owe China more money and the Bank of China will advertise on
Chinese spacecraft. I welcome the later but the former in the absence of advertising subsidies is

Bravo! Google’s "Smart Dad" Positive, Scientifically Literate, Uplifting. Not dystopian.

Son: How far away is Mars?
Dad: Well, it’s ah – about a hundred and forty one million miles
from the sun, so, pretty far.
Son: Why’s it red?
Dad: Because its surface is made of iron oxide.
Son: Why do the call it Mars?
Dad: Well…it was named after the Roman god of war.
Son: You’re so smart dad.
Dad: Did I ever tell you about Jupiter…

"Red Dragon Departing Bigelow Earth-Mars Cycler"


Learning experience from this: probably not to use a misleading logo like “Target” : ) and to alter
logos to fit a color scheme rather than select only those with original colors fitting the scheme….
High Res: