Even negative critiques of SpaceX on Glassdoor – there are several – all describe Musk as working constantly, very, very hard long tough hours; he took real risks with his own personal cash upfront to start SpaceX long before hiring a single lobbyist….he has also singularly changed momentum to Mars settlement on a grand scale, and, for initial missions advocates Mars to Stay….so this page celebrates his efforts, with wide tolerance for what could be perceived as “gilded” materialism by cheap snarks who have not had the opportunity to know what it is like to make such lifestyle choices in the first place. It’s impossible to determine what is in a person’s heart – sometimes even our own – but as a commentator to the Breitbart article wrote, “For SpaceX, all of Elon’s contracts were for services delivered. Not cost plus, and for a tiny fraction of what NASA HAD been paying for similar services. All of SpaceX’s contracts came in under budget. I can’t speak for Solar City and Tesla, but from a SpaceX standpoint this seems off base.”
Unfair Characterization: NewSpace is Not ‘Billionaires Gone Wild’
“Ultimately we don’t really want 10,000 people on Mars…
we want millions.”
Elon Musk