Author Archives: FriendlyHelper

Europa’s Surface Exchange with Underground Ocean

“Chloride salts bubble up from Europa’s liquid ocean and reach the frozen surface where they
are bombarded with sulfur from volcanoes on Jupiter’s innermost large moon Io. This
illustration of Europa (foreground), Jupiter (right) and Io (middle) is an artist’s concept.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

“Magnesium should not be on the surface of Europa unless it’s coming from the ocean,” Brown
says. “So that means ocean water gets onto the surface, and stuff on the surface presumably
gets into the ocean water.”

“The finding suggests there is a chemical exchange between the ocean and surface, making the
ocean a richer chemical environment. This exchange, Brown said, “means that energy might be
going into the ocean, which is important in terms of the possibilities for life there. It also means
that if you’d like to know what’s in the ocean, you can just go to the surface and
scrape some off.'”

"Overview" and "Continuum" by Planetary Collective

The Overview Effect, first described by author Frank White in 1987, is an experience some claim “transforms an astronauts’ perspective of the planet and mankind’s place upon it”. Common features of the supposed experience are described as a feeling of awe for the planet, a profound understanding of the interconnection of all life, and a renewed sense of responsibility for taking care of the environment.

‘Overview’ is a short film that explores this phenomenon through interviews with five astronauts who have experienced the Overview Effect. The film also features insights from commentators and thinkers on the wider implications and importance of this understanding for society, and our relationship to the environment.

The trailer for the feature film CONTINUUM:

Planetary Collective:
Overview Microsite:
Human Suits (original score):

For more information:
The Overview Institute:
Fragile Oasis:

• EDGAR MITCHELL – Apollo 14 astronaut and founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences
• RON GARAN – ISS astronaut and founder of humanitarian organization Fragile Oasis
• NICOLE STOTT – Shuttle and ISS astronaut and member of Fragile Oasis
• JEFF HOFFMAN – Shuttle astronaut and senior lecturer at MIT
• SHANE KIMBROUGH – Shuttle/ISS astronaut and Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army
• FRANK WHITE – space theorist and author of the book ‘The Overview Effect’
• DAVID LOY- philosopher and author
• DAVID BEAVER – philosopher and co-founder of The Overview Institute
Director: GUY REID
Director of Photography: CHRISTOPHER FERSTAD
Original Score: HUMAN SUITS
Filmed with Canon 5D Mk ii.
Additional footage from NASA / ESA archives

"Stardust" by PostPanic

“PostPanic director Mischa Rozema’s new short film, Stardust, is a story about Voyager 1 (the unmanned spacecraft launched in 1977 to explore the outer solar system). The probe is the furthest man-made object from the sun and witnesses unimaginable beauty and destruction. The film was triggered by the death of Dutch graphic designer Arjan Groot, who died aged 39 on 16th July 2011 from cancer.”

“The entire team at PostPanic (the Amsterdam-based creative company) pushed themselves in their own creative post techniques to produce a primarily CG short film crafted with love.”

“The film’s story centers on the idea that in the grand scheme of the universe, nothing is ever wasted and it finds comfort in us all essentially being Stardust ourselves. Voyager represents the memories of our loved ones and lives that will never disappear.”

“From a creative standpoint, Rozema wanted to explore our preconceived perceptions of how the universe appears which are fed to us by existing imagery from sources such NASA or even sci-fi films. By creating a generated universe, Rozema was able to take his own ‘camera’ to other angles and places within the cosmos. Objects and experiences we are visually familiar with are looked at from a different point of view. For example, standing on the surface of the sun looking upwards or witnessing the death and birth of a star – not at all scientifically correct but instead a purely artistic interpretation of such events.”

“Rozema says, ‘I wanted to show the universe as a beautiful but also destructive place. It’s somewhere we all have to find our place within. As a director, making Stardust was a very personal experience but it’s not intended to be a personal film and I would want people to attach their own meanings to the film so that they can also find comfort based on their own histories and lives.'”

“Rozema turned to his regular audio partner, Guy Amitai, to create the music for the film. ‘I approached Guy to make the music because I trust him and knew he would instinctively understand what I wanted to communicate with this film.’ Their long-term collaboration over the years helped them explore different musical approaches before finally settling on a musical journey featuring analogue instruments. Amitai explains, ‘Once we started working on this project and I told people about Stardust and what Arjan meant to us all, the offers started pouring in. Musician friends and friends-of-friends all wanting to join in and record even the smallest parts. It was an incredibly emotional and personal journey for us all – not something you can professionally detach yourself from.'”

“The track is now available for purchase, with all proceeds going to the KWF (Dutch Cancer Society)
Download the song here via iTunes:

Credits: A PostPanic Production
Written & directed by Mischa Rozema
Produced by Jules Tervoort
VFX Supervisor: Ivor Goldberg
Associate VFX Supervisor: Chris Staves
Senior digital artists: Matthijs Joor, Jeroen Aerts
Digital artists: Marti Pujol, Silke Finger, Mariusz Kolodziejczak, Dieuwer Feldbrugge, Cara To, Jurriën Boogert
Camera & edit: Mischa Rozema
Production: Ania Markham, Annejes van Liempd
Audio by Pivot Audio , Guy Amitai
Featuring “Helio” by Ruben Samama
copyright 2013 Post Panic BV, All rights reserved